
published on Feb 26, 11

Deer horn Due to this piece I became an Indian. It was chosen for the catalogue of the international exposition in Jerusalem, which was supposed to be in English, but the materials were accepted in Hebrew. Under the photo given to the editor I wrote the title, the size, the material and then my name. The material is deer horn, in Hebrew it is Karen Zvi. Karen means horn, but there are lots of other meanings, including a female name. Zvi means a deer and at the same time a male name, an equivalent for the Yiddish name Hersh and Russian name Grirory. Both words can be surnames. The editor must have decided that one author's name would be enough for such a small piece. When I opened the catalogue and discovered, that the author of my work was some Deer Horn, it was too late to argue. Only my younger son was glad, as he was keen on Fenomore Cooper at that time: - Say, dad, if there were Hawk's Eye and Swift Deer, why can't you be Deer Horn once? The work from the exibition was bought, and this consoled me completely.

Tags: sculpture


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